Shruti Kapoor - What is(n’t) GraphQL - The Misconceptions

About Shruti

Hi, I’m Shruti, and I’m a Sr. Software Engineer at Paypal and TC39 delegate. I work primarily in JavaScript, GraphQL and React. Besides JavaScript, I love DEVJOKES!

What is(n’t) GraphQL - The Misconceptions

When you first heard of GraphQL, did you think it was a SQL type language or something that was used for graph type data structures only? You are not alone! There are a lot of misconceptions about GraphQL In this talk, Shruti will be debunking common misconceptions about GraphQL.

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Hi Shruti,since you have mentioned that you have worked on GraphQL
Can I ask one major assumption you made while working on the same, if any? And what does your day with Graph generally looks like

Thanks & looking forward to your note!

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