Your GraphQL schema can be fetched and updated using the /admin
endpoint of your cluster. As an example, if your graphql endpoint is
, then the admin endpoint for schema will be at
This endpoint works in a similar way to the /admin endpoint of Dgraph, with the additional constraint of requiring authentication.
Fetching the Current Schema
It is possible to fetch your current schema using the getGQLSchema
query on /admin
. Below is a sample GraphQL query which will fetch this schema.
getGQLSchema {
Setting a New Schema
You can save a new schema using the updateGQLSchema
mutation on /admin
. Below is an example GraphQL body, with a variable called sch which must be passed in as a variable
mutation($sch: String!) {
updateGQLSchema(input: { set: { schema: $sch}})
gqlSchema {
This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at