Hi! I really want to use Dgraph, but I’m having trouble getting the Elixir client to connect to Slash - it’s a long shot, but wanted to ask if anyone could take a look and see what’s missing:
It requires a host and a port for which I’ve tried a few like:
hostname: “subdomain.us-east-1.aws.cloud.dgraph.io ”, port: 9080
February 8, 2021, 3:35am
Did you switch your backend mode to Flexible?
February 8, 2021, 3:39am
the correct connection is : subdomain.grpc.us-east-1.aws.cloud.dgraph.io:443
You will need a client API key, and the rest is your bog standard gRPC things
Tried that with no luck - here the response I’m seeing:
Dlex.Protocol (#PID<0.414.0>) failed to connect: ** (Dlex.Error) connect failed with "Error when opening connection: :timeout"
What I’m getting back:
adapter: Dlex.Adapters.GRPC,
channel: %GRPC.Channel{
accepted_compressors: [],
adapter: GRPC.Adapter.Gun,
adapter_payload: %{conn_pid: #PID<0.422.0>},
codec: GRPC.Codec.Proto,
compressor: nil,
cred: %GRPC.Credential{
ssl: [
cacertfile: 'priv/cert/client.crt',
certfile: 'priv/cert/client.csr',
keyfile: 'priv/cert/client.key'
headers: [{"x-auth-token", "token"}],
host: "subdomain.grpc.us-east-1.aws.cloud.dgraph.io",
interceptors: [],
port: 443,
scheme: "https"
connected: nil,
json: Jason,
opts: [
pool_index: 1,
json_library: Jason,
idle_interval: 15000,
keepalive: :infinity,
timeout: 15000,
connect_timeout: 15000,
transport: :grpc,
name: Home.Repo,
hostname: "subdomain.grpc.us-east-1.aws.cloud.dgraph.io",
port: 443,
keyfile: "priv/cert/client.key",
certfile: "priv/cert/client.csr",
cacertfile: "priv/cert/client.crt",
headers: [{"x-auth-token", "token"}]
txn_aborted?: false,
txn_context: nil
cc: @liveforeverx
February 8, 2021, 5:41am
um, wait did you literally use subdomain.grpc.us-east-1.aws.cloud.dgraph.io
You should use the endpoint URI that you get from Slash. Just add a .grpc
between the name and the AWS location
1 Like
no I removed the subdomain and the token
I think I’ve made some progress. The changes I’m making appear under https://play.dgraph.io/ , but not slash.dgraph.io - I can browse the schema, make queries,etc in Ratel but the Slash dashboard is completely blank?
February 9, 2021, 1:37am
Slash Dashboard? Do you want to jump on a call? If you screenshare I’d be able to see what’s happening and help you debug.