I need help. I am new to dgraph and i am trying to install dgraph via ec2 to connect it to create a cluster.
The issue is that i am able to access dgraph via localhost:8000. From there i use my publickey:8080 to connect it. There is no issue for that. I am able to connect it. But when i try to run my publicley:8000 via another browser,I am struggling to get access . I tried to troubleshoot the issue but still no luck.
I stiil dont get any access using my publick key via publickey:8000
8000 is not a Dgraph port by default. Dgraph basic cluster has one zero and one alpha process.
You can see the default port at Ports Usage - Deploy
8000 is used by Ratel which is a UI application.
Ratel connects to Dgraph Alpha and has Dgraph Server Connexion configuration panel ( click on the connection URL on the top left of the UI).
I hope that helps else could you clarify the different servers you are setting up?
sorry for that . i meant it try to connect to http://publickey:8000 . i am not able to connect it.
Yes i am trying to use ratel and i have started the docker image
what is publickey? Is it a host name you configured? Are you trying to connect to Ratel from another machine? If so, you might have to configure some port forwarding on the docker container so it is accessible from outside your machine.