Type system: Graph visualization should connect known edges together

Moved from GitHub ratel/118

Posted by danielmai:

In Dgraph v1.1 when running schema query (schema {}), Ratel shows a graph visualization of the types. This looks great. It would be nice to have the types with fields to other named types visualized as an edge between those two types. Today, every type is its own node, and all the outgoing edges are the fields of that type. There are no connections between types.

paulftw commented :

I like the idea

paulftw commented :

Just tried on a local instance, it actually works for types created from UI.
Is it different on your system, @danielmai ?

danielmai commented :

The pink nodes are the edge names, right? They’re not other node types.

danielmai commented :

Here’s an example to show what I mean by “connect known edges together” across types:

Add these types to a new Dgraph cluster:

type TypeA {
	name: string
	connectedTo: [TypeB]
type TypeB {
	name: string

The schema {} visualization looks like this:

The green nodes can be via the “connectedTo” edge, as mentioned in the type definition of TypeA.