When turn tab to Geo, the window white-outs in Dgraph Ratel

Hi I’m ten.

I’m using latest version of ratel
I think it is probably a bug and will report it.

I have the following type

type UserPosition {
	owner: UserTable! @hasInverse(field: position)
	name: String! @id @search(by: [hash])
	id: ID!
	location: Point

And we queried this kind of JSON in Dgraph Ratel DQL.

  "data": {
    "q": [
        "name": "******",
        "location": {
          "type": "Point",
          "coordinates": [

The Graph tab and the JSON tab show the data correctly, but as soon as I turn it to Geo, the window white-outs. The console then displays an error like this


Also, when I reload the window, the data that should have been displayed last time is displayed correctly, but when I run the query again, it whiteouts.

Sorry if this is not a bug.

Share the DQL query.


  q(func: type(UserPosition))

Here is working fine.
This error happens when the response is malformed or not available.

  "data": {
    "tourist": [
        "name": "Hamon Tower",
        "location": {
          "type": "Point",
          "coordinates": [

My query actually aliases the table UserPosition.fbUid to name.

Like this.

  q(func: type(UserPosition))

Is this a problem?

Also, I looked at the network tab and the response is a 200 number with the following JSON returned. Other than that, there is no indication that the network request failed.


	"data": {
		"q": [
				"name": "hLDu10SMq8UaRhUncFjYbzrNwQx2",
				"location": {
					"type": "Point",
					"coordinates": [139.40610713313157, 35.51546935551258]
				"name": "GiY9pt8ZrIcbWkdOLBlryh1TOLv2",
				"location": {
					"type": "Point",
					"coordinates": [139.4175337, 35.5154092]
	"extensions": {
		"server_latency": {
			"parsing_ns": 124263,
			"processing_ns": 981390,
			"encoding_ns": 145954,
			"assign_timestamp_ns": 1210098,
			"total_ns": 2567453
		"txn": { "start_ts": 21573 }
		"metrics": {
			"num_uids": {
				"UserPosition.fbUid": 2,
				"UserPosition.location": 2,
				"_total": 4,
				"dgraph.type": 0


I am using Nginx to connect to Alpha and am redirecting with Conf like this
This may also be a problem.

upstream dgraph-backend {
    server localhost:8080;
server {

        listen 9999;# http2;
        server_name dgraph_admin;

        location /ratel/ {
            proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
            proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
            proxy_pass http://dgraph-backend/;


I don’t get why this is a quoted string. And your last response isn’t.

Can you share an example of you mutation?


Sorry, It was my mistake completely. It seems that I changed the schema while leaving the data that I had put in for testing purposes.

Thank you for your help.

The data actually returned in the Network response from the DB were both Float. However, when I open the JSON tab in Ratel, does it keep the type it was when I put the data in? It seems to be.

So in actual operation, I could only see Float.