The State of Dgraph's GraphQL API

@jdgamble555 and myself with inputs from the community have developed this document. It’s purpose is to show the current state of the generated API and what could be done to make it mature.


@amaster507 and @jdgamble555 thank you for putting this together. It is much appreciated. We will look at how we can incorporate this into the official documentation (with appropriate attribution of course) so that it is available in a common place for all users. Thank you!

Thanks for the response. What is needed though is not for this to just be documented, but for the GraphQL API to mature drastically or users will start dropping off to other more mature APIs.

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@gajanan / @gajanansc

Whenever you get some time, I would love to have your review of this Notion document topic by topic. Thank you!




I have seen this document earlier. Let us find some time to discuss more next week.


This would be a good first topic for the PSC, I’d really like to sit in on this conversation if possible, because it’d be helpful to get some insight into some of these issues.

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