Documentation update (v20.11.0 release)


The Dgraph Documentation Team (@acarey, @damian) is thrilled to announce the latest articles, improvements, and updates published on the site.

In the run-up to the new Dgraph v20.11 release, we have been working hard to keep our documents in-sync with the exciting new features developed by the Dgraph Engineering Team. We have also updated the design of our landing pages, adding some visual cues to point you toward the most relevant topics in each section. Last, but not least, we’ve added a feedback widget on all our articles, so you can send us your ratings, comments, and suggestions. Don’t be afraid to report issues, we are here to help and improve your learning experience with our documentation and resources.

Here’s a quick list of the new content available, in case you want to jump in right away and learn how to use our new features:

Since we are talking about docs, we have also updated several areas of our documentation not related to this release, including our metrics reference, the TLS documentation (and related ports usage docs), and support for Int64 in our docs for scalar types.

We know that there’s a lot of work ahead, but we are excited to be here, and we’re ready to bring you a lot of new and updated content to make your journey with Dgraph as easy as possible.

Feel free to contact us with your questions, ideas, or pull requests to improve our docs; we are eager to hear from you. Also, if you have feedback on some of the new docs and doc updates referenced above, please feel free to provide feedback in your comments below, or send along a pull request.


The Doc Team


Really nice work @damian! thank you!

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What he said

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