Dgraph February Community Call

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We are thrilled to announce our next community call on February 25, 2021 at 9:00 AM PST. This month we are featuring a very exciting speaker: Dgraph’s own Anand Chandrashekar (@anand) ! We will also have department updates from the Dgraph team.

Don’t miss out on this month’s action-packed agenda, and save your seat for the community call!


  • 9:00 AM - 9:05 AM: Introductions
  • 9:05 AM - 9:25 AM: Product updates from the Dgraph Team
  • 9:25 AM - 9:50 AM: Business Rules with Dgraph
  • 9:50 AM - 10:00 AM: Q&A with the Dgraph Team

Please submit your questions for the Q&A in this thread.

Business Rules with Dgraph

Almost all applications use business rules in some way or another, for example using decision tables. However, those rules can change over time, causing developer challenges such as traceability, auditing, and execution support.

Dgraph can act as a single point solution to:

  • Store the rule (condition and action)
  • Manage the transactions
  • Store the audit trance (link between transaction and condition)
  • Interoperate with standard dictionaries or vocabularies

About Anand Chandrashekar

With over 20 years of experience, Anand has worked on a variety of technologies and solutions. His focus is niche solutions in the areas of knowledge graphs, master data management, business process management, rule engines, streaming technologies, ERP systems, and real-time analytics and machine learning.

In his free time, he likes to spend time with his family or play football or cricket.

Feel free to follow and connect with Anand on GitHub !

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  1. Can you briefly elaborate how the multiple @id unique fields in the schema works? Does it work as a compound index? Or each field is indexed separately?

  2. Is there a query to know in which namespace I’m working in?

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Is there a place to get visibility of issues that are slated for the next release?

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Newby question: Is there a nest.js adapter for dgraph? How does DGRAPH edge attributes map to graphql standard?

That’s cool (the roadmap page). But what about smaller bugs/issues?

For instance the planned handling of Authorization: Bearer <JWT> correctly?

Github allows one to search issues and see any tags applied, etc? Is there something like that available?

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+1 for small bugfixes like handling correctly the Authorization header. In the call it was asked what the problem is and I can give a short description here:

the vast majority of Authz/Authn system will receive and pass the Authorization JWT as a Bearer token, that is with format Authorization: Bearer <JWT>. This format is not supported by dgraph and is currently rejected, the format wanted by dgraph is to strip the Bearer part, which sounds pretty non-standard to me: Authorization: <JWT>.

Didn’t mean to start a thread on this issue (Authorization: Bearer issue).

I wanted to know if I can get visibility on issues that are being addressed in general? For instance, the Authorization: Bearer issue was mentioned last year in a post and someone from Dgraph said that it will be addressed.

My point was that in github there’s a simple way to find and view issues and learn about how the team is thinking about handling it (issue tagging, etc). Just wanted to learn what the prescribed mechanism is (since the move to the forums).

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The recommended way now is to use Issues category: Issues - Discuss Dgraph

I don’t see any issue related to Bearer token. Perhaps that’s why we missed it? @vvbalaji – can we put a fix in place for this issue?

3 posts were merged into an existing topic: Authorization: Bearer {token}