Dgraph January 2021 Community Call

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We are thrilled to announce our next community call on January 28th, 2021 at 9:00 AM PST. This month we are featuring a very exciting guest speaker: Vignesh T.V. from Timecampus! We will also have department updates from The Dgraph Team, in addition to a presentation and demo on Business Rules with Dgraph.

Don’t miss out on this month’s action-packed agenda, and save your seat for the community call!


  • 9:00 AM - 9:25 AM: Dgraph @ Timecampus and Q&A
  • 9:25 AM - 9:40 AM: Business Rules with Dgraph
  • 9:40 AM - 9:50 AM: Department updates from the Dgraph Team - v20.11 and Slash GraphQL pricing
  • 9:50 AM - 10:00 AM: Q&A with the Dgraph Team

Please submit your questions for the Q&A in this thread.

Dgraph @ Timecampus

Dgraph is at the heart of Timecampus, a bootstrapped startup building a Time Management Platform for users and businesses. Having wholeheartedly adopted the Cloud-Native-GraphQL-Typescript-Node.js stack, Vignesh will discuss how Timecampus makes everything typed end to end from the client to the database, as well as multitenancy, workflows, the cloud-native stack, the various tools used, and how Dgraph plays well with all of them.

Vignesh will also go over Timecampus’s journey towards adopting Dgraph and why they use it instead of all the other options available to solve the problems they have had.

About Vignesh T.V.

Vignesh is the founder of Timecampus, a bootstrapped startup building a Time Management Platform for users and businesses. Before becoming a solopreneur, he led a research and development team of 25 at Ramco Systems and also served as a consultant there for some time.

He spends his free time blogging on Medium about a range of topics, from time management and productivity to the open source ecosystem - GraphQL, Kubernetes, Web Components, Architecture and so on. He also enjoys providing feedback and helping out with open source projects.

Feel free to follow and connect with Vignesh on Twitter, LinkedIn, and GitHub!


Hi. This is Vignesh. Happy to be a part of this month’s community call as the speaker.

Will be discussing about our journey with Dgraph, GraphQL, Node.js with Typescript, Code generators, Kubernetes and more. I will share all the resources which can help you after the session is over.

I will also be a speaker at Prisma GraphQL berlin meetup for February and you can join me there as well later if you are interested: GraphQL Berlin Meetup #20: Beginners Welcome! + quiz with prizes | Meetup

And if you would like to know more about the GraphQL stack I use, you can refer to this series I wrote to understand more or get some context where Dgraph is at the core of all that we do: https://medium.com/timecampus/graphql-diving-deep-c7c0abe608b2

If there are any specific questions you would like to ask me, please leave it in this thread either before or during the session and I will try my best to address it properly.

Looking forward.

UPDATE: Thanks for having me in the call. I know I went quite fast given the time I had, but you can read about all that I shared in this blog:https://medium.com/timecampus/graphql-diving-deep-c7c0abe608b2

Here are the slides I used in this session: Timecampus-Dgraph - Google Slides

Feel free to reach out to me for any questions on the same.