(Anthony Master)
May 29, 2024, 8:34pm
Have you looked at my recommendations for optimizing the type system? Replacing dgraph.type under the hood with an edge based type system instead of a predicate based type system?
I have read in detail your other latest blog post:
It was so mesmerizing. Your engineering mind is exceptional!!
The optimization improvements are terrific for a database that already touts ingestion speeds keeping up with major databases.
And then I saw the type problem, and you confirmed the problem with indexes. So, what if, types weren’t indexes, they were edges??
I can hear Chewxy correcting me already, that everything is already an edge, it is turtles all the way do…
Also brought up here
Change Type System from Index based for Node tree based. As an “ontology”. This would allow having a linked T.System. For example. User → Product → purchase.
The Type System today uses the configuration bellow
Predicate: "dgraph.type",
ValueType: pb.Posting_STRING,
Directive: pb.SchemaUpdate_INDEX,
Tokenizer: []string{"exact"},
List: true,
It is a string of type list.
And as time goes on, it gets worse. Because absolutely all…