Nice work on It looks much better now. Here’s some feedback.
I find myself clicking on Perf System link on the top left to go to the landing page, which I think is Score. Can you remove the Score link, and just make clicking on Perf System go to the default score view.
Send out an email, if a team member’s score falls below 2.5.
Send a weekly report email, Friday morning, summarizing the whole team’s performance.
Keep all the emails sent out text friendly, i.e. no charts, etc. Just text / plain html.
Color of green, blue are a bit faded. Make them darker.
In a team member’s dashboard, you can probably remove their name tag, it’s redundant.
On scores page, when clicking 15 days, 1 month etc., can you also recalculate their score for that duration? Would help compare performance over time.
Remove Kostub from the list. Add Pulkit.
Do you take into account the vacations? I had a log based method to consider vacation time. In fact, maybe you could allow a way to enter vacation in, and also render that on their performance graphs. Happy to elaborate if you need.
I made few changes according to the feedback. I will update the list once I implement them.
[*] I find myself clicking on Perf System link on the top left to go to the landing page, which I think is Score. Can you remove the Score link, and just make clicking on Perf System go to the default score view.
Send out an email, if a team member’s score falls below 2.5.
Send a weekly report email, Friday morning, summarizing the whole team’s performance.
Keep all the emails sent out text friendly, i.e. no charts, etc. Just text / plain html.
[*] Color of green, blue are a bit faded. Make them darker.
[*] In a team member’s dashboard, you can probably remove their name tag, it’s redundant.
[*] On scores page, when clicking 15 days, 1 month etc., can you also recalculate their score for that duration? Would help compare performance over time.
[*] Remove Kostub from the list. Add Pulkit.
Do you take into account the vacations? I had a log based method to consider vacation time. In fact, maybe you could allow a way to enter vacation in, and also render that on their performance graphs. Happy to elaborate if you need.
I do take vacations into account. I used previous log based method to consider vacation time but currently it is not updated. So we can have a way to log vacation and display it on
Actually, maybe we can just have an interface in itself to add vacation time, instead of using that git-based solution. Shouldn’t be too hard to add I reckon, using a database.
For the team member name, might be better to move it closer to date, that way, one can quickly scan over all the names to find tasks done by them. Think about vertical scanning. Human eyes can only do that quickly, if they are all aligned vertically.
[*] Also have a chart which can show all the team members in one graph. This should go on the main Scores dashboard.
Hey @adisha, Can you update this thread every day or every other day, with how you’re dealing with this feedback. I think dealing with feedback is more important than adding new features. So, we should prioritize this over other things.
Also, can you please add yourself to the team. In fact, it should be dynamic. If you find any task done by a team member, in a given time period, that team member should go into the list automatically. You shouldn’t need to hardcode a list of team members.
[*] On scores page, when clicking 15 days, 1 month etc., can you also recalculate their score for that duration? Would help compare performance over time.
[*]Also have a chart which can show all the team members in one graph. This should go on the main Scores dashboard.
I am working on GIthub auth and I am new to nginx and never setted up Oauth.As I am setting it for the first time that’s why it is taking time. I will try to complete it as soon as possible.
Thanks @mrjn. The auth using github is done. The only thing we require currently is to authorize the perf system github app for dgraph-io organisation.
[] On individual member dashboard, can you also show in big, the score based on the time that is selected
[] Github Auth
[] Vertical scanning for users in task UI
[] integrate github issues to perf