Give Early Feature Feedback - Data Explorer

Hi all,

We’re going to start releasing prototypes and mocks on the features that are important to you. The first feature is a data explorer. This mock is definitely an MVP and we already have a lot more ideas for functionality that we want to add but we want to get something out quickly that works.

So please scroll to the second page of this Ratel prototype and click on the node labels. Once the graph appears the nodes are also clickable.

We’d love to get your feedback by:

  1. Think about the questions you ask yourself when you are working with Dgraph. Will you be able to follow this flow and get to the answers you are looking for?

  2. If not, what are the questions you are looking to answer?

  3. What is still missing?

  4. In your exploration, does the data table that is split screen with the graph helpful, harmful or does nothing for your ability to explore the data?

  5. Anything else that we should know?

Ratel.pdf (142.9 KB)


Perfect. This is what I was waiting for. :heart_eyes:

If I may suggest, keep a search bar to search a node by its uid in the explore tab. This node should be clickable/expandable.


In my opinion we should able to do following basic thing

  1. Filter with different attribute (like age >= 18)
    There maybe three input box, one for attribute (age), one for operation (>=) and last one for value(18)

  2. Sort the result (like, order by age ASC)
    One input box for attribute and another select box for ASC or DESC

  3. Limit the result (like, from 0 to 100, from 200 to 500 etc) as graph may ave millions of edges
    With two number input box one for from and another for to.

  4. When we hover over the node or edge of graph we should able to see the data related to that node or edge.

  5. Export option so that we could able to import another developer machine.

Yes, it will help.

One concern is about graph, it can have many nodes. So if we have collapsible button so that we can hide or show the data table as required will be much easy to explore.

Hey @shanea,

Would be super helpful if I could click on a predicate and get a list of simple queries I could execute against that predicate based on its type.

Yes! we definitely have 1-3 in the list for the next iteration but good points on 4 and 5. I’ve noted them.

@vespertilian This totally makes sense but I’d like to be crystal clear on what you are thinking and how you plan on using this. Could you walk me through the experience you are thinking or what problem is this feature solving for you?


Basically I often want to query for a user or maybe say a skill in dgraph, I forget the root queries I can use with dgraph depending on the type.

I have my own gist for this DGraph useful search snippets · GitHub

But it would be convenient for me if I could just click on a listed predicate and have a base query setup from this root predicate, instead of copy pasting from my gist.

Also you could limit my options to what is available based on this root predicates type.

Adding operations like Alter an mutate which I use less would be helpful as well.

Here is a super crapy picture :grinning:

Does that help?

It does! Thanks so much. Really appreciate you spinning thus up. Will keep you posted.

+1 for number 4. I keep finding myself wanting to click a node to see more details without having to switch to json tab.

Got it! thanks @ahopkins

hi , I want a query template manager. looks like bookmarks .

because it’s often a continue trying way to get the final right query.
I often need find the last right query from history . If I tried many times, it’s hard to find it in too many history query records.

now ,What I am doing is .
I copy the query I need to a text file . and switch to Ratel ,if I need find my last right query ,I switch
back and copy it to Ratel.

:joy: Did I make it clear?

for example:
I write a query

 {  allFriends(func: uid(0x1){  friend}}

I want to reuse it later.
If I can save it as a template and give it a name “allFriendTemplate”
then, when I need it , I right click with mouse, and select a menu paste from template
and select allFriendTemplate, then the content of the template
{ allFriends(func: uid(0x1){ friend}} will insert behind the cursor pointer.


@BlankRain got it. Completely understand!

Hi @shanea.

Please change the layout to side by side panels, left to write queries, right to see results, or better, keep the existing model, and add this new one.

A drag to change width of the side by side panels would be a nice plus.


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Showing JSON results on a collapsible tree would be another great feat.

Another thing: multi panel for queries. I usually work with 3 or 4 ratel browsers tab at the same time, trying query variations.

These are great ideas all of which we have thought about glad to know we are on the same page.