Had a few issues:
[*] When I got an invite, it asked me to reset my password, but then logged me into another account (which I reckon I might have logged in before). I had to log-out and log back in, to get into my new account.
[*] Dashboard does not show who you are logged in as. So, the above point becomes worse.
[*] My 1Password doesn’t want to fill in my password on the login page for some weird reason.
[*] I can’t login using Google, Twitter or GitHub.
[*] Login happens via login.dgraph.io, but you log into slash.dgraph.io. Seems weird. Any way to keep it to slash subdomain? [Tejas: Can’t fix this one]
Above is even more weird, because the password reset happens on slash.dgraph.io. So, 1Password stores that as the link, instead of storing login.dgraph.io as the link. [Tejas: We now show you a link to the dashboard. This only happens if you’ve been invited]
[*] Can’t Slash persist the API key, so a user does not need to set it, just to interact with their schema after having logged in already. (If they didn’t log in, then the API key makes sense. But, they are already logged in, so why not just let the user interact with the schema)
I like the words in the name, so it’s easier to remember: https://beneficial-baseball-9463.us-west-2.aws.cloud.dgraph.io/graphql
, but does it need to have these things: numbers, us-west-2, aws, cloud and so on? If you want to differentiate between us-west-2.aws.cloud
and such, just give it a subdomain within dgraph.io (like ‘wildwest.dgraph.io’). [Tejas: we’ve removed the numbers]