Manifest has unsupported version: 8 (we support 4)

Hi, I’ve created a database using v3.2103.2, then I tried to use the badger cli tool as described here Get started —, like this:

$ go install
$ badger info --dir=/path/to/db

But I get this error: Error: failed to print information in MANIFEST file: manifest has unsupported version: 8 (we support 4).

Any help is very welcome :slight_smile:

The @latest tag refers to badger v1.6.2. The actual latest version is v3.2103.2. You’ll want to take a look at the install instructions in the Github repo.

Awesome, thanks @david.schlachter ! Do I need to checkout the source in order to install the cli tool, isn’t it go-installable with a single command?

the Install instructions in the github repo refer to go get this does not work with go1.18 you need to go install but what is the path? v3 no longer exists.