Missing -alpha suffix when running on Jenkins X


We are running Dgraph using Jenkins X, and using the latest 0.0.13 version of the official Dgraph Chart. Yet the Alpha nodes are missing the -alpha suffix. Looks like there is a conflict/bug in the _helpers.tpl file.

Once I moved up the Alpha name definition (next after Zero), everything started working:

Create a default fully qualified data name.
{{- define "dgraph.zero.fullname" -}}
{{ template "dgraph.fullname" . }}-{{ .Values.zero.name }}
{{- end -}}

Create a default fully qualified alpha name.
{{- define "dgraph.alpha.fullname" -}}
{{ template "dgraph.fullname" . }}-{{ .Values.alpha.name }}
{{- end -}}

Create a default fully qualified ratel name.
{{- define "dgraph.ratel.fullname" -}}
{{ template "dgraph.fullname" . }}-{{ .Values.ratel.name }}
{{- end -}}

One more thing, when running this Helm Chart locally using minikube everything looks good, the -alpha suffix is in place. I’m using the below values.yaml

fullnameOverride: intouch-dgraph
  enabled: false
      enabled: true

with command:

helm install dgraph/dgraph -n intouch-dgraph --values ./test/values.yaml

So I assume something is wrong with _helpers.tpl after this section

Return the proper image name (for the metrics image)

And I’m using Helm 2.x

Client: &version.Version{SemVer:"v2.17.0", GitCommit:"a690bad98af45b015bd3da1a41f6218b1a451dbe", GitTreeState:"clean"}