[Missing] Console Alter tab not exists any more

Moved from GitHub ratel/143

Posted by vzool:

Hi, I’m walking through dGraph tour and the tour said that I should run the command in the Alter console command, which is not exists in the final release. Where can I found it?


shekarm commented :

The Run button is on the top right corner.

vzool commented :

No, old version contains: Query, Alter & Mutate. But, in latest version the Mutate option has been disappeared. :frowning:

shekarm commented :

The mutate option is right there. You mean the ‘Alter’ option has disappeared?

shekarm commented :

Ok, I will assign this to one of our engineers.

vzool commented :

Okey, here is the version information:

Built at 2019-11-15T14:24:47.307Z
Commit: 919e808
Commit Info: 919e808 Fri Nov 15 16:22:11 2019 +0200 (HEAD -> master, origin/master, origin/HEAD)

shekarm commented :

Thank you. I have asked one of our engineers to take a look at. We should get back to you soon.

Shekar Mantha

— original message —
On November 22, 2019, 1:19 AM EST notifications@github.com wrote:

Okey, here is the version information:

Built at 2019-11-15T14:24:47.307Z
Commit: 919e808
Commit Info: 919e808 Fri Nov 15 16:22:11 2019 +0200 (HEAD → master, origin/master, origin/HEAD)

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— end of original message —

paulftw commented :

@vzool Alter tab was deprecated when Schema tab was introduced.

You can get the same behavior as Alter if you go to Schema > Bulk Edit.

Typing or pasting alter commands there and clicking Apply actually uses /alter endpoint.

I will file a bug against Dgraph Tour repo to update the instructions.
Closing this one as working as expected.

cc @shekarm