Hi @pirxthepilot, welcome to Dgraph!
Have you tried Ratel for visualization? You can check it out here in the playground and github to build locally. But I don’t think there is a easy way to connect Ratel with Jupyter notebooks yet. What is your use case in terms of the data size and kind of queries you wish to visualize.
I am using Ratel and it’s pretty great, but we also work with other data that’s not in DGraph and would like to consolidate everything in one place (Jupyter). Do you think the pygraphistry method can be one way to do this?
This will be used primarily in analyzing log events in a security context. As for data size, I’m not sure yet, we are still playing around with it
Hey @pirxthepilot,
We haven’t seen anyone use pygraphistry with Dgraph but you are encouraged to try. I feel you can use any visualization tool once you have the JSON data from dgraph. We have seen people use d3 with Dgraph maybe you could explore that as well.
@pirxthepilot@Anurag Just saw this when another dgraph user asked the same thing:
With just a few lines, you should be be able to do something like:
import json, pandas as pd, pydgraph, graphistry
# #### 1. Dgraph data wrangling ###
txn = pydgraph.DgraphClient(...).txn()
dql_query = """
my query
dql_opts = { }
edges_df = pd.DataFrame(json.loads(txn.query(dql_query, dql_opts).json))
# #### Plotting 1-liners ####
g1 = graphistry.edges(edges_df, 'some_src_col', 'some_dst_col')
nodes_df = # same flow as for dql -> edges_df
g2 = g1.nodes(nodes_df, 'some_node_id_col') # new plottable that layers on node bindings
url = g2.plot(render=False) # now as a url for, say, manual iframe'ing in an app or pasting into Slack
It’d be great to get a sample notebook into the dgraph + pygraphistry docs, esp. now that we have the free Graphistry Hub tier out. This should save folks time from having to the more awkward & manual graph libs, bring in the ability to use pydata flows, enable them to see much more of their data + visually interact with it.
Also worth noting, for folks not using the dgraph python client, all of the above is just thin wrappers over Graphistry’s REST web API (and optional JS client one): https://hub.graphistry.com/docs