I have seen this happen in the past. @zzl221000 can you generate an example to reproduce? or show me (if easy) to reproduce with https://play.dgraph.io/ ?
Is there a build script for Windows? This issue happens on Windows.
Or a documentation / site to quickly install necessary build tools and do build manually?
I have NPM NodeJS and bash. build script works perfectly with one issue.
I followed all the instructions but cannot build the go server package.
Can you please take a look?
Ok got it. It took me a while to see that npm start command under client
I found the root cause:
The problem is on sample query retrieval. I did not dig into more details because my main task is different at the moment. I simply commented out the sample statisctics for now.
I think following is what TODO next:
Do not fail the app if sample statistics fetch fail (important)
Fix the parse error.
I hope this helps. Let me know if you need further details about the bug.
Why did it fail? Somehow Ratel has lost the connection with Dgraph?
When you click on the predicate in the panel, is the “Samples & Statistics” set on the right panel?