Report a Ratel Bug
Security alerts with npm audit
What Version of Ratel are you using?
docker pull dgraph/ratel:v21.03.0
What version of Dgraph are you using?
docker pull dgraph/dgraph:v21.03.0
Which Version of the UI are you using
- Stable
- Bleeding Edge
- Local Offline
Have you tried reproducing the issue with the latest release?
git clone
Steps to reproduce the issue (command/config used to run Dgraph).
cd client
npm audit
Expected behaviour and actual result.
I did not expect there to be 5955 high and 169 moderate vulnerabilities in npm modules used by Ratel.
Actual Results
The audit reports:
found 6124 vulnerabilities (169 moderate, 5955 high) in 2889 scanned packages
run `npm audit fix` to fix 6052 of them.
37 vulnerabilities require semver-major dependency updates.
35 vulnerabilities require manual review. See the full report for details.
The full 98,475 line report is in this gist:
The security issues were mainly with these packages that are used by dependent modules:
- elliptic
- hosted-git-info
- immer
- lodash
- postcss
- ssri
- ua-parser-js
- urijs
- url-parse
These modules are picked up by these packages:
@babel/cli [dev]
@babel/core [dev]
@babel/plugin-proposal-class-properties [dev]
@babel/preset-env [dev]
@babel/preset-react [dev]
@svgr/webpack [dev]
@testing-library/jest-dom [dev]
@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin [dev]
@typescript-eslint/parser [dev]
babel-eslint [dev]
babel-jest [dev]
babel-preset-react-app [dev]
css-loader [dev]
enzyme [dev]
eslint [dev]
eslint-plugin-flowtype [dev]
eslint-plugin-import [dev]
eslint-plugin-jest [dev]
eslint-plugin-testing-library [dev]
html-webpack-plugin [dev]
jest [dev]
jest-circus [dev]
jest-resolve [dev]
jsdom [dev]
node-sass [dev]
optimize-css-assets-webpack-plugin [dev]
postcss [dev]
postcss-flexbugs-fixes [dev]
postcss-loader [dev]
postcss-normalize [dev]
postcss-preset-env [dev]
postcss-safe-parser [dev]
react-dev-utils [dev]
resolve-url-loader [dev]
sw-precache-webpack-plugin [dev]
terser-webpack-plugin [dev]
webpack [dev]
webpack-dev-server [dev]
webpack-manifest-plugin [dev]
webpack-visualizer-plugin [dev]
workbox-webpack-plugin [dev]