Slash GraphQL Release Nov 18 2020

Hey All!
We did a release of Slash GraphQL.

Release Name: The one with Lambdas


  • Now you can run Dgraph Lambda - a serverless platform for running JS on Slash GraphQL using the @lambda directive. Lambdas help in further simplifying your application development by letting you create a flexible API. Check out the example. Also, you can view the logs on slash directly :mag:

  • Elite Pricing Plan - $249/month plan. The plan gives you 1000k credits & $0.15/10k credits after exhaustion.

  • Clone from backups - Now you can clone a backend from backups created. Go to Settings > Backups to view & clone from the backups.

  • Improved app load time by reducing the bundle size by 60%. :zap:

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Is there a way to push a file for the lambda? Like how we can push the schema.

The CLI command is coming soon for lambdas, you can push files directly from CLI.


The CLI was updated shortly after the release @amaster507 you should be able to try it out now