SSL error while trying to export from dgraph

Hi I have a dgraph community edition using docker (installed using docker-compose). Now I was trying to connect to the alpha node and export the data in my local. It says connection reset error although I confirmed that it’s running on that endpoint.

import json

import logging

import pydgraph

# from trialsai.statements.utils import new_dql_client


logging.basicConfig(format='%(levelname)s:%(message)s', level=logging.DEBUG)

#Creation of dql client code

from gql import Client, gql

from gql.transport.requests import RequestsHTTPTransport


transport = RequestsHTTPTransport(

    url="", verify=True, retries=3,


client = Client(transport=transport, fetch_schema_from_transport=False)


export_mutation =gql( """

      mutation {

            export(input: {

                format: "rdf"

                destination: "./"

            }) {

                response {









result = client.execute(export_mutation)


# res=dql_client.txn.query(export_mutation)


Can someone explain what am I doing wrong. Also dgraph has open access as we have white listed incoming traffics.
Here’s the error:

requests.exceptions.ConnectionError: HTTPConnectionPool(host='', port=9081): Max retries exceeded with url: /admin/ (Caused by ProtocolError('Connection aborted.', ConnectionResetError(104, 'Connection reset by peer')))

Hey @Orneyfish,

The error doesn’t look SSL related. Anyway, usually these errors can be solved first by validating a net route to the Docker container. Have you tried:

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Thanks @matthewmcneely I think I have got it.
Also I want to add a trailing question here. I have set up my dgraph using docker and then amzon eks cluster with a alb. Now can you tell me how can I export the archived data from it? I tried pinging the /admin endpoint which was able to archive inside the container but in my usecase I want to take the archived data to my local machine.
I have used this code:

import json

import logging

import pydgraph
import time

query = """mutation {

            export(input: {

                format: "rdf"

            }) {

                response {





check_status_query = """query {
          task(input: {id: "$$id$$"}) {

logging.basicConfig(format='%(levelname)s:%(message)s', level=logging.DEBUG)

#Creation of dql client code

from gql import Client, gql

from gql.transport.requests import RequestsHTTPTransport

transport = RequestsHTTPTransport(

    url="", verify=True, retries=3,


client = Client(transport=transport, fetch_schema_from_transport=False)

export_mutation =gql(query)

def poll_export_status(client, export_mutation):

  """Polls the Dgraph instance for the status of the export operation.

    client: A GQL client object.
    export_mutation: A GQL mutation object for the export operation.

    A string representing the status of the export operation.

  result = client.execute(export_mutation)
  print("result from the status is: ", result)
  export_status = result["task"]["status"]

  return export_status

# Start the export operation.
flag = True
result = client.execute(export_mutation)
print("result from the execution is: ", result)
if "message" in result["export"]["response"]:
  print("Export operation completed.")
  taskId = result["export"]["response"]["message"].split("ID ")[-1]
  print("taskId is: %s", taskId)
# Poll the Dgraph instance for the status of the export operation.

while flag:
  check_status = gql(check_status_query.replace("$$id$$", taskId))
  export_status = poll_export_status(client, check_status)

  if export_status.lower() == "success":

    print("Export operation complete.")

    flag = False
  if export_status.lower() == "failed":
    print("Export operation in failed. Status: {}".format(export_status))
    flag = False

    print("Export operation in progress. Status: {}".format(export_status))

I have tried this code and this works but it archives inside the alpha node. Now I will be hosting this though eks for a small POC. I want to archive the data into a local machine from the hosted dgrpah instance.
Can you help me out here?

You’ll need to mount a volume in your EKS setup. As for moving that exported data from that EKS volume to your local machine, a Google search yielded: azure aks - How to copy files from kubernetes Pods to local system - Stack Overflow

Thanks a lot, matthew was a great help!