Subscriptions for DQL

I read that the latest version of Dgraph supports subscriptions which in itself is an awesome feature, however for certain features I only use the default GraphQL± API. The push system available through subscriptions, is it also usable from ‘regular’ Dgraph?

Hi @Vliro, yes, the subscriptions aren’t there in GraphQL±. You can use GraphQL for that. There are plans to have support in GraphQL for most of the features that are there in GraphQL± in next version.

Is there any specific feature for which you use the GraphQL±?

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Facets, as I’ve heard they are not available in GraphQL. I feel that is a very important feature to have and not ready to sacrifice it in favor of GraphQL.


@Naman is there any tool to monitor the milestones or the release on which this is going to happen ?

Honestly I like graphql± more than regular graphql

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Converting this into a feature request