Yan Cui: Building a Social Network in Under 4 Weeks With Serverless and GraphQL

About Yan

Hi, I’m Yan, an experienced engineer who has run production workload at scale in AWS for 10 years. I have been an architect and principal engineer with a variety of industries ranging from banking, e-commerce, sports streaming to mobile gaming. I have worked extensively with AWS Lambda in production, and has been helping companies around the world adopt AWS and serverless as a consultant.

I am also an AWS Serverless Hero and a regular speaker at user groups and conferences internationally, and I am also the author of Production-Ready Serverless and co-author of Serverless Architectures on AWS 2nd Edition, both by Manning. I also keep an active blog at https://theburningmonk.com and hosts a weekly podcast called Real-World Serverless.

Building a Social Network in Under 4 Weeks With Serverless and GraphQL

You get great velocity without sacrificing quality and reliability when you combine Serverless and GraphQL. It’s really the best of both worlds. In this talk, Yan will go into how to build a new social network for university students in just 4 weeks, using AppSync, Lambda and Algolia.

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Follow Yan

GitHub: theburningmonk (Yan Cui) · GitHub

Twitter: https://twitter.com/theburningmonk

LinkedIn: Yan Cui - THEBURNINGMONK Limited | LinkedIn

What an awesome guy!

I’d like to know the challenges Yan faced while integrating dgraph in the context of a social network, and how he solved these.

Will there be access to a course he holds where dgraph is part of the stack at a substantial level?

1 Like

Hi David,

I’m not using dgraph in this project, it’s mostly DynamoDB, and for search, Algolia.
