- Is there a way to put Cloudflare in front of my Slash GraphQL endpoint? (Using my own Cert/Key)
- Are there any ways to rate limit the amount of queries/mutations a user can submit to my endpoint?
- Are enterprise features included in SlashGraphQL? How do I enable ACL’s and Encryption at Rest?
- Would love to know more about the infrastructure running Slash GraphQL! Is my endpoint running on an EC2 instance? How do I scale up the # of requests I can run if my application get’s bigger. Is SlashGraphQL running on Kubernetes? Does my application auto scale infinitely?
- I’d like to have the ability to run the same application in 2 regions. So for example I have my app running in the AWS Oregon region. Can I deploy another Dgraph Instance (running the same app), in the Frankfurt region (and users closer to Frankfurt will be directed there)?
- Where can I see how much space (in mb/gb) my data is taking up? What’s the max amount of data I can store on my instance? What happens if I was to ever hit that max data storage limit?
Thanks in advance for your responses