(Free) Slash Instance Not Working

The free Slash GraphQL instance I created yesterday in aws-east-1 does not seem to be working this afternoon. Is there a known issue?

If I check the Settings | General | Dgraph Version label, I am seeing “Unable to fetch information.” which does not appear correct.

I don’t see any schema information in the API Explorer and any historical queries I attempt to run result in a “Network Error”

Is there something I am not doing correctly?

Hi @John_Vester

Could you please DM me the backend name or GraphQL endpoint which seems to be having issue, so i can check in detail ?

I checked in the system, you have 3 backends, they all looks good to me.

Sure … how do I PM you?

@John_Vester Glad to see you here! Feel free to email me the info and I can help relay that to our dev team. :slight_smile:

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Hi @John_Vester

Your backend should be up now. Since you were on free account, it was rate limited to 1MB data per day. I have removed the rate limiting condition for your backend.

Thank you so much!

I had not run into that limit before … maybe because my other account was created early on. It would be nice to have some form of UI message to let the user know they have reached the limit … maybe a future enhancement?

I really appreciate your help!