My present version is 1.0.15 need to upgarde it to latest, can u help me out

In Doc’s there is something regarding Certificate…

Using Ratel UI with Client authentication

is it works with my setup…if so…how it works with my setup

Yes, it works. It is the TLS configuration. It is a bit complex, but it is recommended for your case. With TLS only clients with the certificate are able to communicate with the cluster.

can u please tell the steps how to configure.
it helps me a lot

Just follow the docs
I would recommend that you watch some video tutorials on youtube about TLS so you can understand the basics. That’s a type of thing that would require me to write a tutorial on this thread. For example, search on youtube “What is TLS”. You will found several videos with deep information about it.

I know about TLS, But need to how to configure…I followed these steps

I am following these steps

  1. Create rootCA and node certificates/keys
    $ dgraph cert -n localhost
    Copy the generated CA to the ca-certificates directory
    $ cp /path/to/ca.crt /usr/local/share/ca-certificates/ca.crt
    Update the CA store
    $ sudo update-ca-certificates
  2. Starting Zero
    $ dgraph zero --my localhost:5080
  3. Running alpha
    $ dgraph alpha --lru_mb 5000 --zero localhost:5080
  4. Running Ratel UI

My question is where to pass Client Authentication Options & TLS options - means either in zero or alpha
While Pointing ratel to the https:// endpoint of alpha server i am not able to connect

How want u to look in to this please.

As you are using K8s, check these steps

About using Ratel with TLS, the docs shows how. But you basically need to install the certificate in the system.

is it for above 20.11?
my version is 20.07.3…
is there any yaml file i don’t want helm

I see, well there’s no YAML or something ready prior to this version.

If you follow the docs to the letter, you will succeed. As you can see below, all clients have flags to introduce the certificate and configure the authentication method. Also, the clients dgo, dgraph-js, and so on have their own way to configure the certificates documented on their repos.

➜  ~ dgraph zero -h | grep TLS
      --tls_cacert string             The CA Cert file used to initiate server certificates. Required for enabling TLS.
      --tls_client_auth string        Enable TLS client authentication (default "VERIFYIFGIVEN")
      --tls_internal_port_enabled     (optional) enable inter node TLS encryption between cluster nodes.
➜  ~ dgraph alpha -h | grep TLS
      --tls_cacert string                The CA Cert file used to initiate server certificates. Required for enabling TLS.
      --tls_client_auth string           Enable TLS client authentication (default "VERIFYIFGIVEN")
      --tls_internal_port_enabled        (optional) enable inter node TLS encryption between cluster nodes.

Bulk and live need the certs to be able to communicate with Zero and Alpha.

➜  ~ dgraph bulk -h | grep TLS
      --tls_cacert string                The CA Cert file used to verify server certificates. Required for enabling TLS.
      --tls_internal_port_enabled        enable inter node TLS encryption between cluster nodes.
➜  ~ dgraph live -h | grep TLS
      --slash_grpc_endpoint string   Path to Slash GraphQL GRPC endpoint. If --slash_grpc_endpoint is set, all other TLS options and connection options will be ignored
      --tls_cacert string            The CA Cert file used to verify server certificates. Required for enabling TLS.
      --tls_internal_port_enabled    enable inter node TLS encryption between cluster nodes.

I have opened the following tickets related to this question.

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It’s Really Great to see,I appreciate your guidance to resolve all my issues.
Thanks a lot MichelDiz.

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Hello MichelDiz,

I followed these steps for TLS.

Create Dgraph Root CA, used to sign all other certificates.

$ dgraph cert

Create node certificate and private key

$ dgraph cert -n localhost,ip,ip

Generate a client certificate

$ dgraph cert -c user

Convert it to a .p12 file:

openssl pkcs12 -export
-out user.p12
-in tls/client.user.crt
-inkey tls/client.user.key
→ Use any password you like for export, it is used to encrypt the p12 file.

Copy the generated CA to the ca-certificates directory

$ cp /path/to/ca.crt /usr/local/share/ca-certificates/ca.crt

Update the CA store

$ sudo update-ca-certificates

After this

$ dgraph zero --my localhost:5080 --tls_dir /root/tls --tls_client_auth REQUIREANDVERIFY

$ dgraph alpha --lru_mb 5000 --zero localhost:5080 --tls_dir /root/tls --tls_client_auth REQUIREANDVERIFY

when i hit alpha ip with https on port 8080 in ratel, it is asking for client certificate.
Here my issue is it is taking the client cert which exported <user.p12> and also another certificate which i have from godady.
will you help out with issue.
