Ratel on Windows PC (# of queries bug)

Moved from GitHub ratel/86

Posted by dmitryyankowski:

If you suspect this could be a bug, follow the template.

  • What version of Dgraph are you using?

  • Have you tried reproducing the issue with latest release?
    Yes (Not with v1.0.15 though)

  • What is the hardware spec (RAM, OS)?
    24GB of RAM and Windows 10

  • Steps to reproduce the issue (command/config used to run Dgraph).

  1. Download the binaries you need for Windows
  2. Run dgraph zero in 1 cmd window.
  3. Run dgraph alpha --lru_mb 2048 --zero localhost:5080 in a 2nd cmd window.
  4. Run dgraph-ratel in a 3rd cmd window.
  5. Go to http://localhost:8000 and add a dgraph schema + add data.
  6. Run any query (it should run perfect, and ts.start_ts should go up by 1 every time)
  7. Ctrl-C ratel running in the 3rd cmd.
  8. Run dgraph-ratel again in the same cmd.
  9. Run the query again… and you should see the start_ts going up by more than 1. (There are multiple queries starting now… idk why)
  • Expected behaviour and actual result.
    start_ts should only go up by 1 every time you run a query. It’s going up by 3 or 4 now for me each time I run a query in my local ratel instance.

dmitryyankowski commented :

Seems like closing Ratel in the cmd window doesn’t actually stop the instance of Ratel? I can still go to http://localhost:8000/?latest or http://localhost:8000/?dev after its closed (back and forth).

dmitryyankowski commented :

Can confirm this is also an issue on Linux too. Now it’s running 6 queries every single time I click run :confused:

dmitryyankowski commented :

You can also go to Dgraph Ratel Dashboard
Everytime you run a query the start_ts goes up by 3 (Should only go up by 1)

danielmai commented :

I see this issue as well. It’s not good that Ratel runs the same query multiple times after clicking th e Run button once.

dmitryyankowski commented :

Hope this can be fixed soon :frowning: It’s hard to debug stuff with tons of queries being fired at the same time.

dmitryyankowski commented :

Any updates to this?? :slight_smile: @paulftw @danielmai

danielmai commented :

We’re working on some code refactoring that would ultimately lead to this issue getting fixed. @paulftw is working on it.

dmitryyankowski commented :

Thanks for the update @danielmai :slight_smile:

paulftw commented :

Fixed in master and live in the ?dev version

dmitryyankowski commented :

@paulftw any ideas to when this will be merged into master? The bug still is still on ?dev :confused: