Can I secure my GraphQL endpoint with Cloudflare? how? Sure with CNAME or something like that, but the original endpoint would be still accesable. This requires once again a setup like VPC, and this has to be done on Google Cloud. And i dunno if I even have access to that if I use dgraph cloud, else I still don’t wanna mess up with that (changing dgraph cloud network settings and so on)
I would really appreciate a Tutorial to safely do that
Would be really cool if you guys would establish a partnership for that product (DDoS protection) as well @dmai So that we can activate Cloudflare DDoS protection in Dgraph Cloud out of the box. Being able to build applications with peace of mind without having to fear exposing the GraphQL/DQL endpoints to the internet
but it also doesn’t has to be cloudflare, GCP Armor is OK too
Holy Moly I just read that, sorry!! Maybe I overread that, I just read that now
Did you check that? Is dgraph cloud already using cloudflare protection? So that means my Dgraph Cloud GraphQL/DQL endpoints are protected?
this would be awesome! if yes, then maybe adding that as information on the website/docs would be good since that’s a very nice feature and one more reason to use dgraph
There’s no specific DDoS protection set up today for Dgraph Cloud. The major cloud providers (AWS, GCP, and Azure at least) already provide built-in basic DDoS protection for up to layer 4 traffic.
We’ll be enabling layer 7 DDoS protection with a WAF soon, but I wouldn’t expect anything specifically from CloudFlare at this time.