Enterprise features - when?

Can you please give a timeline on some of the “Enterprise” features that have been mentioned in the following URL: https://github.com/dgraph-io/dgraph/issues/1

I really like what you guys are doing! However, it’s difficult to chose this data store for a production system without having an idea of timelines mapped to roadmap - i.e. release schedule. The bullet point list on your GitHub Roadmap page is just that - a list. I’m not detracting from the immense work involved to release features! However, I think people need a release schedule with features listed as: OS Vs Enterprise Vs Hosted. This will allow for informed platform decision making - which is vitally important for any commercial product planning.

I’m currently curious about:

  • Multi-tenancy - approach and timeline for release.
  • Authentication and Authorization
  • Backup/Restore
  • Data encryption at rest - any plans?

Congrats to the whole team and keep up the great work!

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