Should we turn off Github issues?

Hey @staff,

Discuss is working out great for us – and it allows Github users to log in and talk to us.

We already use Trello for our product planning and execution. A lot of issues that users are going to report need some discussion anyway. So, how about we turn off Github issues, and redirect our users here?


I think it’s a problem with what people consider as an issue. Like today someone was giving a suggestion/asking a question of Github issues.

It could still make sense to use it for bug tracking by users.
Though discussions for feature requests and other FAQ could be handled on discourse. Isn’t Github very similar to Discourse? Like you can edit your reply , have structured conversations. Is your main intention to aggregate data at one place ?

Yeah, that’s the main problem. People won’t see the difference between a bug report, a question, or a feature request. Most of these reports require a discussion anyway. It’s probably better for us to have all the discussions here, rather than split into two locations.

So, if we do this, then you’re right about the bug tracking part – could the users subscribe to a topic here? We’re already using Trello, so they won’t get updates on Github issues anyway.

Yes so at the bottom of the topic there is a drop down with default option as Watching which means they are subscribed. Whether they receive a mail or not is their individual preference.

I think we can leave it open. It assigns a number to issues, tracks the issues that need to be completed for a given version release. Also, some users may be reluctant to signup to discourse just for filing one issue at first.

Right, though ideally want we want is issue/bug tracking to be done in Github. So that we can give it a release label and close it there.

At the same time, we would want all meaningful discussions and questions(FAQ) to aggregate at Discourse.

Users can just do a signup with Github so this should be easy.

The difficult part is how to convey to users to use Github only for bugs and Discourse for FAQ, discussions.

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The other decision that needs to be made is, do we continue to update issues on Github, while tracking and executing all of them in Trello as well?

We should also consider how we’re tracking the product roadmap, which is also on Github. Manish also added it to Discourse. I would argue that at some point we’ll have it in Trello, which btw works really well for roadmaps.

There’s value in the mapping between Github issues and releases as Ashwin points out. If we move the roadmap out of Github and rely entirely Discourse for issue tracking, it could work but I’m not sure. So we set up a separate category for issues? There’s a whole of of other stuff we do on Discourse and so even with a separate category for issues, everything else that is not an issue will be competing for attention.

Discourse won’t be for issue tracking – it would be for issue reporting. Users can report these in the existing User category. This way we can figure out if this issue is worth working on (and then put it in Trello), or it’s just a question etc.

Trello is for task / issue tracking. If we choose to continue using Github Issues for issue tracking, then we’d still need a way to synchronize between the two.

Trello for Roadmap, not a bad idea. I see this one: Trello

Update: Along the lines of what Pawan mentioned, Zapier uses Github Issues for bugs only. They also use Trello for product planning and features.

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