Im not a programmer, Im a big data analyst, but I make the strategic decisions within my Dev team. So I need to understand the tools around Dgraph, forgive me for my questions below.
My ERP application: (Node.js, React.js, Dgraph) stack
If we signup for Splash for eg: 2 months subscription and build my Application graph database model using the " build tool " in Splash. Can I export the Dgraph db model from Splash and upload it to my open source kubernetes cluster of Dgraph ?
Will there be any need to keep the Splash subscription in perpetuaty ?
Is Splash the official visial IDE Dgraph modelling tool ?
In Neo4j, there is Neo4j Bloom. The visualization tool and editor. Is Splash and Ratel the closest tools similar to Neo4j Bloom?
Can I build a full stack web application using Splash ?
Is there a debug visualisor in Splash ?
Can I link Splash to SonarQube for continuous code inspection via a Jenskins X CI/CD pipeline ?
Can I create Jenkins X CI/CD pipelines of the Dgraph db model (or any full stack Apps I build) from Splash into my GitHub/GitLab accounts ?
Will there be any need to keep the Splash subscription in perpetuaty ?
No. In case you want to terminate Slash, you can export your schema and save it locally.
Is Splash the official visial IDE Dgraph modelling tool ?
In Neo4j, there is Neo4j Bloom. The visualization tool and editor. Is Splash and Ratel the closest tools similar to Neo4j Bloom?
We don’t have an “official” tool for modeling as such. All modeling can be done on simple text files and uploaded into Dgraph.
Can I build a full stack web application using Splash ?
Slash is our hosted Dgraph service that natively serves GraphQL service. We also have lambdas on slash where you can plug in some transformation and business logic. We do not host web ui. You can use Slash as your backend, and any other cloud to host your UI.
Is there a debug visualisor in Splash ?
Can I link Splash to SonarQube for continuous code inspection via a Jenskins X CI/CD pipeline ?
Can we create the Dgraph db model using GraphQL Editor
I haven’t tried this editor. It does look like they have a GraphQL schema editor. However, it might not natively understand Dgraph’s GraphQL directives.