Moredata 1 page instructions do not work

Moved from GitHub tutorial/6

Posted by kortschak:

I am running dgraph via a docker image as per the instructions, and serving the tutorial locally. On the more data 1 page the instructions to load the large dataset fails with the error below.

$ docker exec -it dgraph dgraphloader -r 1million.rdf.gz
Error response from daemon: No such container: dgraph
$ docker container ls
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE               COMMAND                  CREATED             STATUS              PORTS                    NAMES
8a58af97efe7        dgraph/dgraph       "dgraph --bindall=..."   9 hours ago         Up 9 hours>8080/tcp   unruffled_franklin
$ ls 1million.rdf.gz 

MichaelJCompton commented :

Hi, looks like dgraph wasn’t started with the right container name in docker. Did you start it with?

docker run -it -p 8080:8080 -v ~/dgraph:/dgraph --name dgraph dgraph/dgraph dgraph --bindall=true

kortschak commented :

I started it with the instructions shown on intro 2:

docker run -it -p 8080:8080 dgraph/dgraph dgraph --bindall=true

MichaelJCompton commented :

I pushed a change to the docker instructions. Check intro/2 in your local version.

You might have done intro/2 before the change and and moredata/1 after it.

MichaelJCompton commented :

@sungwoncho site isn’t being reloaded automatically from github.

kortschak commented :

That was unfortunate. Thanks, it works now.

(I’m going through the tutorial and making notes for fixes that are needed and questions that need to be clarified for a neophyte to make progress - please expect PRs and issues sometime soon).

MichaelJCompton commented :

@kortschak Fantastic! Yes, please file an issue for anything that’s unclear or any bugs in the tour.

Also we are happy to take other comments on the slack channel or on discuss - those are linked off the front page of the tour.

kortschak commented :

Cool. Yeah, there are specific questions I have, but I want to get generally comfortable with the system/query lang first.

olgabot commented :

Hello! I’m having the same issue where I used docker-compose to start the docker server:

Thu 27 Sep - 11:01  ~/code/cell-ontology   origin ☊ master ✔ ☗v2018-07-07  4☀ 
  docker-compose up -d    
Removing cell-ontology_server_1
cell-ontology_zero_1 is up-to-date
Recreating f7a712d96cd8_cell-ontology_server_1 ... 
Recreating f7a712d96cd8_cell-ontology_server_1 ... done
✘  Thu 27 Sep - 11:11  ~/code/cell-ontology   origin ☊ master ↑1 ✔ 4☀ 
  cat docker-compose.yml
version: "3.2"
    image: dgraph/dgraph:latest
      - type: volume
        source: dgraph
        target: /dgraph
          nocopy: true
      - 5080:5080
      - 6080:6080
    restart: on-failure
    command: dgraph zero --my=zero:5080
    image: dgraph/dgraph:latest
      - type: volume
        source: dgraph
        target: /dgraph
          nocopy: true
      - 8081:8081
      - 9081:9081
    restart: on-failure
    command: dgraph server --my=server:7080 --lru_mb=2048 --zero=zero:5080
    image: dgraph/dgraph:latest
      - type: volume
        source: dgraph
        target: /dgraph
          nocopy: true
      - 8000:8000
    command: dgraph-ratel


But am getting a Error: No such container: dgraph/dgraph error when I try to load the data with dgraphloader

 Thu 27 Sep - 11:07  ~/code/cell-ontology   origin ☊ master ↑1 ✔ 4☀ 
  dgraph docker exec -it dgraph dgraphloader -r cl.rdf.gz 
Error: unknown command "docker" for "dgraph"
Run 'dgraph --help' for usage.
unknown command "docker" for "dgraph"

 ✘  Thu 27 Sep - 11:10  ~/code/cell-ontology   origin ☊ master ↑1 ✔ 4☀ 
  docker exec -it dgraph dgraph loader -r cl.rdf.gz 
Error: No such container: dgraph

 ✘  Thu 27 Sep - 11:11  ~/code/cell-ontology   origin ☊ master ↑1 ✔ 4☀ 
  docker exec -it dgraph/dgraph dgraph loader -r cl.rdf.gz
Error: No such container: dgraph/dgraph

Can you help me understand what may be going on?
Thank you!

danielmai commented :

@olgabot The command for the Dgraph Live Loader is now dgraph live.

You’ll need to docker run a Dgraph container before you can docker exec commands within that container. See Run Dgraph in the Tour of Dgraph for more info.

olgabot commented :

Hello! Thank you for your response. I’m new to docker and ran the
docker-compose command to start the server. Is that the same as docker run
but with a config file, or should I stop that container and do docker run?

On Thu, Sep 27, 2018, 14:32 Daniel Mai wrote:

@olgabot The command for the Dgraph Live
Loader is now dgraph live.

You’ll need to docker run a Dgraph container before you can docker exec
commands within that container. See Run Dgraph in the Tour of Dgraph for more info.

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danielmai commented :

I’m new to docker and ran the docker-compose command to start the server. Is that the same as docker run but with a config file

It’s the same. You’ll want to double check the container name so you can run commands in the correct container.

For more real-time help feel free to join our Slack community at or post a question on the forums at This closed issue isn’t the best place to have this conversation.